Monday, May 28, 2012

Teacher's Guide BOOK - 3

Teacher's Guide BOOK - 3

UNIT - 1
Fun with Listening
1)     Listen to the tape and complete the following.
Osaka, parents, job, is a householder, Nepal, travelling, cyber cafe, people, culture

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     True/ False
         i.  False ii. False iii. True  iv. True V. False
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.    The farmer was digging the field.
ii.    When he threw his spade in the pot, one hundred spades appeared in the pot.
iii.   The king was greedy.
iv.   The king died in the end.
c.     Let's explore the text
a. The pot is called the magic pot because whatever was put into the pot became hundred folds of it.
b.   The king was greedy as he wanted the magic pot although he was very prosperous.
c.   The king wanted to keep the magic pot in his treasury.
d.   The farmer left the pot in the treasury to be free from its possible risk.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
        a. on the boy?         b. on a tree              c. joy
Let's explore the text
a.   The poet wishes to become an apple. Yes, also want to be something precious and lovely as the poet does.
b.   He would fall on a man's head, if he were an apple.
c.   He would ask the boy to eat him, if he were an apple.

Fun with Vocabulary
Undo,              unfair,              unpaid,
displace,          dissatisfied,      display,
brainless,         timeless,          useful,
 tasteless,        powerless,       helpful

Fun with grammar
Choose a subject from the box to complete each sentence.
1. My closet                         2. A buzzing bee 
3. The eye doctor                4. the house plant
5. The space alien               6. A greedy dolphin.
7. My mother                       8. My notebook
9. A big Spider
Underline the predicates in the following sentences.
1.     The gardener planted flowers.
2.     The pilot flew the airplane.
3.     The little puppy barked all night long.
4.     The barber cut the boy's hair.
5.     James' baby sister slept in her crib.
6.     The flag blew in the wind.
7.     The lizard ate crickets.
8.     The plumber fixed the sink.

Fun with creative writing
1.     The boys are quarrelling.
2.     A blind man is walking.
3.     A teacher is advising his student.
4.     A girl is helping a blind man.

Fun Time
Where to go? Check the right place.
1.     Butcher’s
2.     Supermarket
3.     Café
4.     Car park
5.     Cinema
6.     Disco

UNIT - 2
Fun with listening
1)     Listen to the tape and write 'True' or 'False'.
False,              False,
False,              True, True

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Who said the following.
i.  Binod
ii. Binod
iii. Muna
iv. Binod
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.      Yes, Muna was the only child of her parents.
ii.      Yes, the doll became her patient.
iii.     Muna does not have any brothers and sisters.
Words in use
Smell: It smells good.
Bill (v): The doctor billed me Rs. 500 for his service.
Decide: My sister decided to be a nurse.
Complete: I must complete my homework on time.
Change into: Water changes into vapour if it is heated.
Going to: My brother is going to be an engineer.
Let's explore the text
a.     Muna does not have any brothers and sisters. She is the only child of her parents.
b.     She decided to become a doctor as a child.
c.     Her dolls became her patients and dollhouse became hospitals.
d.     Good grades are important to get better opportunities in the future.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
a. red  b. new c. lady walking d. puddles
Let's explore the text
a.     No lady walks in puddles. She wants to walk like a lady. Therefore the speaker says that she will not step in puddles.
b.     The speaker is going to walk like a lady.
c.     The words like 'new', 'bright', 'red', and 'silk' tell us about the umbrella.
d.     I feel like quite delighted and refreshed when it is raining.

Fun with vocabulary
Match the following synonyms.
Denims----------------- jeans
Explode----------------- blow up
Extra-------------------- additional
Famous----------------- famed
Foolish------------------ silly
Forehead--------------- brow
Supply the antonyms of the following words.
Beautiful,                 clean,
night,                       happy,
far,                           small,
bad,                         short
Fun with grammar
Choose a subject from the box to complete each sentence.
1. a          2. an            3. a              4. an
5. an        6. a.             7. a              8. the 

Fun with Creative Writing
b.     The sentences below are not in correct order. Arrange them properly.
2, 6, 3, 1, 5, 4
Now develop the following pictures into a good story.
Ask students to observe the pictures carefully and help them describe the pictures in past tense. Encourage their own creativity.

UNIT - 3
Fun with listening
1)     Listen to the tape and write 'True' or 'False'.
1. False  2.True 3. False 4. True 5. False

Fun with Reading
Essay Time
Let's find the facts
a.     True/ False
 i.  True        ii. True                 iii. False
iv. False       v. False
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.      The children of Bhirkot played in the open ground in the past but they don't play now any longer because they don't get the place for it..
ii.      Yes, the people of Bhirkot were happy..
iii.     The Bhirkot people walked to the nearby fair to buy and sell goods.
iv.     The people of Bhirkot have several problems now like shortage of water, epidemics of disease, change in climate and many more..
Let's explore the text
a.     Bhirkot has been changed a lot. It has changed into a busy town from a beautiful village. It has lost its natural beauty. Birds no linger sing in the forest. The green forest has been destroyed and rivers are getting polluted.
b.     Bhirkot people are not healthy today because the increasing pollution has caused the spread of different disease. They cannot breathe in open and fresh air because of forest destruction. Moreover they cannot eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
c.     The children of Bhirkot are not active but are dull because they cannot get open space to play and freshen up. So they are not good at studies.
d.     I live in Kathmandu. It is also a busy town. The place is fully covered with tall and big buildings. It is polluted too. There is no forest in my place. So my place resembles with Bhirkot in many ways.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
a.     i. s tree
b.     The 'I' in the first stanza grows up into a shady tree.
c.     The 'I' is 23 years old now.
d.     The 'I' feeds the worms with tiny figs.
Let's explore the text
a.     Mother nature cared the tree when it was tiny seed.
b.     A tree has so many branches for the children to play.
c.     The tree makes homes with its tiny twigs.

Fun with Vocabulary
Match the following similes with their appropriate meanings.
As cold as ice------------- very cold
As flat as a pancake------ completely flat
As light as a feather------ very light
As old as the hills--------- very old
As white as snow--------- pure white
As wise as an owl-------- very wise

Fun with Grammar
Now supply the missing gender in the following list.


Fun with Creative Writing
a.     children's park, crowded, clean and beautiful, swimming, boys, skipping, on the beach
b.     Remind students what they learnt about Bhirkot in the text above. Then ask them to gather similar ideas about their place. Help them compare their place with Bhirkot and encourage to write on their own.

Fun Time
1.     as proud as apeacock
4.     as wise as an owl
6.     as blind as a bat
7.     as strong as an ox
8.     as quiet as a mouse
10.   as slippery as an eel
12.   as happy as a lark
14.   as hairy as a gorilla
2.     as playful as a kitten
3.     as sly as a fox
5.     as meek as a lamb
6.     as busy as a bee
9.     as slow as a snail
11.   as brave as a lion
13.   as fat as a pig

UNIT - 4

Fun with Listening
1.     Listen to the tape carefully and try to identify who speaks these lines. Mention either “Book Seller” or “Customer” before each sentence.
Bookseller, Customer, Customer, Bookseller, Bookseller, Bookseller, Customer, Customer, Bookseller, Customer

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Fill in the following gaps using appropriate word from the box.
i.  Zeus                ii. Demeter
iii. Persephone     iv. daughter         v. winter
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.      Zeus was the ruler of the sky and the earth.
ii.      Persephone grew up in the Olympus.
iii.     Hades lived deep under the ground in a dark place.
iv.     Demeter was sad because someone took away her daughter.
v.     Persephone goes to Hades in winter season.
vi.     Demeter taught people how to sow, reap and store grains for winter.
Words in use
Make sensible sentences.
Rule over: The king rules over the country.
Grow up: I will grow up to a young man after few years.
Starve: she is starving a lot.
Rush: A boy rushed into the house.
Bless: May God bless you with happiness.
Bloom: The flowers bloom in the garden.
Let's explore the text
a.     No, I don't think this story really happened because it is only a mythical one.
b.     Hades carried away Persephone because he fell in love with her.
c.     Demeter was the Goddess of harvest. People and animals starved when she grieved .

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
a.     a child?
b.     listen stories
c.     myself
d.     The child is in the third grade now.
e.     The child is filling up her shelf with stories, poems and other books.
Let's explore the text
a.     The child likes to listen each and every page that the elders read.
b.     Yes, the child can read. We know it as she is already in grade three.
c.     as curious.
d.     I am now in grade three. Yes, I like reading and listening to the stories.

Fun with Vocabulary
Now, match the following sentences with their correct meaning.
  - Exemplary person
George is a sheep.              - Follower, not a leader
You are my sunshine.          - Source of my life
He is a pig                            - Eats too much   
Kathmandu is a melting pot. - Land of diversity
Fun with grammar
Underline the possessive pronouns in these sentences.
i)      mine                    ii)     ours
iii)     his                        iv)    hers
v)     its                         vi)    yours           vii.    theirs

Fun with Creative Writing
Now write a similar postcard to your friend taking help of the following questions.
Help students write similar postcard as presented as the model in the text book. The students will think about the guiding questions provides. Then they will start writing.

UNIT - 5
Fun with listening
1)     Listen to the tape and complete the following.
Jogging,               comfortable,
How much,          Rs. 6000,             penny

Fun with Reading
Essay Time
Let's find the facts
1.     Tick the best answer.
i. 80 different languages      ii. Sign language
iii. a chimp                            iv. Ball has died
2.     Match the words with their correct meanings.
Imitate------------------ to copy
Sign--------------------- symbol
Dumb------------------- one who can speak
Aggressive------------- very very angry
Distressed-------------- very sad
Communicate---------- to talk
Let's explore the text
a.     The American scientists taught chimpanzees to talk.
b.     Animals communicate by using sign language.
c.     Koko did not feel bad and did not struck back to Ball's mischief.
d.     Koko was depressed and distressed after Ball had died.
e.     No, I don't think that animals can talk but they can understand our sound and reply through sign language.
f.      The animals can show different tricks. Some of them can dance and write besides talking.
Poem Time
Let's find the facts
a.   wonderful                  b.   mountains and plains
c.   scientific inventions   d.   beautiful
e.   Mary Britton Miller
Let's explore the text
a.     I think our world is wonderful as there are varieties of things like rivers, animals and other precious gifts of nature in this small earth.
b.     All natural and manmade things existing here have made our world wonderful.
c.     Different things are described in the poem. Among them river, houses, flowers, automobiles and people are in my surrounding.

Fun with Vocabulary
Now write what noises these creatures make.
Quack, crock, cluck, bleat, buzz, roar, neigh, hiss, trumpet

Fun with Grammar
a)     Underline the adjectives in these sentences and mention their degrees.
i)      Pokhara is a beautiful paradise for tourists. positive
ii)     My pencil is longer than yours. comparative
iii)     Bagmati is the dirtiest river I have ever seen. superlative
iv)    A hare runs faster than a tortoise. comparative
v)     Prem has a new erazer.  Positive
vi)    Satin Tendulkar is the best batsmen in the world. superlative
b)     Complete the following chart by supplying the correct words.

Positive Degree
Comparative Degree
Superlative Degree
more beautiful
Most beautiful

Fun with Creative Writing
You stood first in your annual examination. How you felt at that moment write about it in your diary.
Dear Diary,
Today our school published the result of our annual examination. I am extremely delighted to know that I stood first in grade three. My parents are also as happy as I am. It is really good of me because I succeeded to happy my parents. My dad while returning back to home got into a shop and bought a beautiful school bag. Mom came into my room and served me a special breakfast in bed. I am so happy that I could jump out of the window. Well I have to go because my friends are calling me from outside to congratulate for my success. Bye

Make a diary entry about your last birthday celebration in the space provided below.
Help students write similar diary on their own.
Fun Time
Complete the following crossword puzzle with suitable animal sounds.
2. Bees: buzz
3. Horses: neigh
5. Ducks : quack
9. Goats, sheep: bleat
10. Lions : roar
1. Mice: squeak
4. Hogs: grunt
6. Birds: chirp
7. Cats: mew
8. Dogs: bark

UNIT - 6

Fun with Listening
1)     Listen to the tape and state whether the following statements are true or false.
        i. false              ii. false             iii. true
        iv. False           v. false             vi. true

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Which of these adjectives best describe King Bruce? Tick the best ones.
Brave,              kind,             happy,         clever,
courageous,    innocent,      thoughtful
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.      Bruce was the king of Scotland.
ii.      He was hiding in a cave in order to escape from his enemies.
iii.     He saw a spider in the cave.
iv.     The spider was trying to reach the top of the wall.
v.     The spider finally reached the top of the wall.
vi.     The king learnt to to make a tireless effort to get the aim fulfilled.
Words in use
Attack: The enemies attacked King Bruce.
Fight: We should not fight with others.
Hurt: Her words hurt me a lot.
Hide: King Bruce hid in a cave.
Fall down: Don't run! You might fall down.
Tired of:  I am tired of working in the field.
Return: My father will return back to home tomorrow.
Let's explore the text
a.     Bruce was brave because he fought again bravely to regain his kingdom although he had been defeated badly before.
b.     His soldiers were very small in size compared to the opponents but they were really very brave. Many were hurt and killed because they could not withstand the strong army of enemies.
c.     Bruce called the spider his teacher because it was spider through which he learnt to try over and over until he got the success.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
i. false          ii. false     iii. True        iv. True
Let's explore the text
i.      The speaker wants to ask grownups what they wanted to be when they were small. It is because he is always asked that what he wants to be in future by grownups.
ii.      The speaker is seven years old. We know it as it is mentioned in the poem.
iii.     The grownups ask the poet that what he wants to be he grows up.
iv.     I have been asked several questions by the grownups. They are related to my studies, family, friends, aim and so on.
v.     I want to ask them many questions about their childhood experience.
Fun with vocabulary
Pure is to purify as soft is to soften
Decide is to decision as depart is to departure
Datum is to data as phenomenon is to phenomena
Suitcases is to few as luggage is to little
Dime is to ten cents as nickel is to five cents
Wise is to wisely as hard is to hard
Form is to fill out as tank is to fill up
Soap is to bar as cigarettes is to pack/packet of

Fun with grammar
i. in ii. in iii. at iv. at v. in vi. In  vii. At

Fun with Creative Writing
b.     Arrange a discussion among students how do they pack their tiffin box. Then help to write a paragraph taking help of the example given in a.
c.     iii. ix. i. v. iv. Vii. X. vi. ii.  viii

Fun Time
a. dove b. very c. vest d. veil e. vane

UNIT - 7

Fun with listening
1)     Listen to the tape and try to answer these questions.
a)     This kind of text is called biography.
b)     Narayan Gopal
c)     1996
d)     six
e)     600

Fun with Reading
Biography Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Match the following words with their correct meanings.
Inspiring- fill with the urge to do something
Devotion- dedication
Literature- books
Bedridden- confined to bed
Pathetic- pitiable
Felicitation- congratulation
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.      Jhamak Kumari Ghimire is a disable writer of Nepal.
ii.      Jhamak was born with a disease called cerebral palsy.
iii.     Jhamak's parents were disappointed because she could not stand, walk, talk or use her hands.
iv.     She learnt to write with her left foot when she was nine.
iv.     Jeevan Kanda Ki phul, Sankalpana, Quatti, Manchhe Vitraka Yoddaharu, Aagaman etc are the books written by Jhamak.
Let's explore the text
a.     Though Jhamak Kumari Ghimire is physically challenged, she has made invaluable contribution to enrich Nepali literature. She cannot speak and write with her hands but write with her leg. However she has published many books and articles as Helen Killer, the first graduate among physically challenged people contributed for the whole humanity in the world.
b.     Jhamak possess the virtue of strong determination. Though she could not attend school, she learnt to write with her foot and started to read and write. This effort helped her to overcome the obstacles.
c.     Physical ability is not only a key to the successful life. Jhamak Kumari Ghimire is physically disable. She cannot move her hands and can't speak. But she had courage. She was determined to read and write as the able one could do. Finally she succeeded to gain her dream. So she has proved that if we have strong will power and deter-mination we can overcome any obstacles and be able to gain success in life.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
        Head, streams, ground, found, boot, again
Let's explore the text
a.     The child imagines various things like castles with dragons prowling  around, gardens with magic fruits, fairies locked in a tower and many more.
b.     The child finds in the morning that the magic land which he imagines is just a dream.
c.     The speaker finds that the castles are being prowled with dragons and the castles have gardens where magic fruits are found when he goes to the bed.
d.     The world in the garden of poet's imagination is very wonderful as the trees bear magic fruits.
Fun with Vocabulary
a. steak            b. pane            c. peace
d. hire              e. whole           f. wait
g. their             h. allowed        i. groan
j. bored            k. sale              l. course

Fun with Grammar
a. aren't I ?                      b. isn't he?              
 c. isn't she?                     d. aren't they?        
e. haven't they?               f. hasn't he? 
g. can't they?                   h. won't she?

Fun with Creative Writing
Help students to fill the blanks with appropriate information and develop that information into a paragraph in the following exercise.

Fun Time
1.     bakers                     2.     butchers
3.     newsagents             4.     hairdressers
5.     jewellers                  6.     chemists
7.     greengrocers           8.     dry cleaners
9.     fishmongers             10.   florists

UNIT - 8

Fun with Listening
1)     Listen to the tape and complete the following.
woke up, get up, have breakfast, have a shower, comb my hair, brush my teeth, laptop, to leave

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Identify the speaker of the following statements.
i.    Dev Datta
ii.    Dev Datta
iii.   Siddhartha
iv.   Chief Minister
v.   Chief Minister
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.    Dev Datta shot the swan.
ii.    Siddhartha saved the swan.
iii.   Siddhartha got the swan.
iv.   The chief minister suggested king to give swan to Siddhartha.
c.     Match the following words with their correct meaning.
i.    swan- ----------- female duck
ii.    angry- ---------- furious
iii.   lovingly- --------- with proper love and affection
iv.   advice- ---------- suggestion
v.   surprised- ------ astonished

Let's explore the text
a.     Dev Datta came to the king's court because Siddhartha took away his swan.
b.     Siddhartha saved the life of swan by taking out the arrow and putting medicines on its wound.
c.     Siddhartha claimed the bird because he saved its life.
d.     The swan started trembling when it saw Dev Datta as he had shot the swan.
e.     Siddhartha got the swan because he cured the swan and gave it a new life.

Dev Datta

aggressive, cruel, proud
kind, compromising, good, just, gentle

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
Find the animals and their correct homes.
Dog--------- kennel
Horse------- - stable
Pig----------- - sty
Rabbit------- hutch
Parrot------- - cage
Bee---------- - hive
Let's explore the text
a.     The fly, the flame of the flame on the coals, the dog, the mice, the mice, the kitten and the spider think that people are wrong.
b.     They say that people are wrong because although they are in, people say that everyone's out.
c.     insects and pets are not out with people. So everyone is in.

Fun with Vocabulary
Break down- A bus going to Kathmandu broke down at the side of the road in Gaguri.
Cheer up- He cheered up when heard the exam result.
Dress up- She is dressing up to go to the party.
Fall down- The big building fell down yesterday.
Find out- Christopher find out America.
Look after- I look after my brother in the morning.
Switch on- Please, switch on the light.

Fun with Grammar
Complete the following sentences.
i)      I used to play with my sister.
ii)     My father used to play games.
iii)     My brother used to cry.
iv)    Our teachers used to suggest us all the time.
v)     My friends used to help me in need.
vi)    My mother used to go to college regularly.

Fun with Creative Writing
Now write a similar essay about your school. Include the information as in the above given text.
My School
The name of my school is Clinton English boarding high school. It is situated Swyambhu, Kathmandu. It was in the year 2056. It has two buildings with two spacious playgrounds. It is well known and popular in my locality for its educational services provided to its target children. I am really glad to be a member of this school family.
We can enjoy different facilities in my school. We are provided with the opportunity to take part in different indoor and outdoor games in the school. Similarly, the school organizes different curricular and extracurricular activities. Really, they help us to broaden the realm of our exposure.  Moreover, our library, music and sport classes are quite entertaining and knowledge giving.
There are about 550 students and 32 teachers in my school. There are seventeen class rooms in my school. They are of medium size. All rooms are equal in size. There are good benches, desks and whiteboards in all classes. They are clean and beautiful.
The teachers are very experienced, friendly and laborious. They pay their attention to make us fully understood. Their contribution is obviously is the main cause of the excellent SLC result that the school has been able to achieve in the previous years. Moreover, there is also a canteen in my school. We can have good and delicious food and Tiffin as per our interest in fairly reasonable price. Fresh and healthy food is available over there. There is also the facility of clean drinking water. We can get both    hot   and cold water in the canteen.
However, the school is close to the ring road. So we sometimes get greatly disturbed by noise pollution. I think it is the need to keep the students free from such disturbances.

Fun Time
Tick the correct job to go with the description.
1. pilot          2. Teacher       3. Footballer        4. Chef
5. Doctor     6. Journalist     7. driver               8. Actor
9. Farmer    10. artist

UNIT - 9

Fun with Listening
1)     Listen to the tape and complete the following.
a.   The speaker loves his grandfather the most.
b.   His grandfather is 80 years old.
c.   The grandfather gave him a big kiss as a gift.
d.   The grandfather for jogging in the morning.
e.   The boy will be given a beautiful camera if he tops the class.

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Rearrange the following sentences as they occur in the story. The first one has been done for you.
a)   The King and the Queen had no children
b)   The birthday party was organized.
c)   A fairy was not invited.
d)   The fairy cursed the king’s family.
e)   Everyone fell asleep.
f)    Later a brave Prince revived the princess and others.
g)   The Prince married the Princess.
b.     Give short answer to these questions.
i.    The king and queen wished for a child.
ii.    Twelve fairies were invited at the party.
iii.   The thirteenth fairy cursed the princess because she was not invited.
iv.   The command of the king was to destroy all the spindles in the whole kingdom.
v.   The old woman did not destroy her spindle because she did not hear the king's command.
vi.   The prince succeeded to enter into the castle.
vii. The prince married the princess at the end.
Let's explore the text
a.   The feast was organized because the queen had given birth to a beautiful child.
b.   The gift of the twelfth fairy was the princess would fall into a deep sleep for hundred years. It softened the curse of thirteenth fairy.
c.   When the princess touched the spindle, she fell into a deep sleep.
d.   Everything was still because they were in a deep sleep. They got life again after a prince touched the princess.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Grandpa dropped his glasses in a pot of die.
b.     The colour of the dye was purple.
c.     Grandpa saw everything purple inside outside the house.
d.     The things that grandpa saw are sky, hill, mill, dragonflies, fires, cider, doll  etc.
Let's explore the text
a)     Find one word from the poem that rhyme with the following and supply one from your own. One has been done for you.

b)     Mention the colour of the following things.
Hill: green                        Forest: green
Sky: blue                          Your hair: black
Your grandpa’s hair: white/ grey
Fun with Vocabulary
Now make your own sentences using the given idioms.
a)     hit the nail on the head: She hit the nail on the head while talking to the teacher.
b)     face the music: We must face the music while  doing any work.
c)     stick your neck out: It is not good to stick your neck out.
d)     learn by heart: Please, learn by heart.
e)     an old hand: She is an old hand at teaching.
f)      under your thumb: Be wise. You must keep everything under your thumb.

Fun with Grammar
Read the above text again and tick the correct answer.
i.      Yes, she does.
ii.      Yes, she does.
iii.     No, she does not.
iv.     No, she does not.
v.     Yes, she does.
vi.     Yes, it was.

Fun with Creative Writing
Have you ever been sent such birthday gifts?  How did you feel at that time? Now write a letter expressing your feelings and thanking for the gift.
January 14, 2010.
My dear uncle,
        I am pleased to receive your beautiful birthday gift, a good school bag. I heartily thank you for this precious gift.
I was in need of a bag. I had asked my brother to buy it. I am quite surprised how you knew my feeling. I am very happy to get it. Uncle, I really missed you at my birthday party. I am am planning to come to meet you in winter vacation.
        I wish you a very comfortable and happy life there.
        I am looking forward to meeting you soon.
Your sincerely

Fun Time
Check the right couple
1. The aunt                              2. The daughter
3. The niece                            4. The girl
5. The father                           6. The sister
7. The uncle                            8. The grandfather
9. The nephew                        10. The grandfather

UNIT - 10
Fun with listening
1.     Listen to the tape and circle the words you listen.

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Find the opposites of these words.
friends, comfort, spent, happily, bought, agreed
b.     Give brief answer to these questions.
i.    Dhan Bahadur and Man Bahadur were poor merchants.
ii.    They found two ancient boxes full of gold coins.
iii.   The merchants hid the boxes in the hollow of an old banyan tree.
iv.   Dhan Bahadur stole boxes at a dark night.
v.   No, Dhan Bahadur's father was not and honest man.
Let's explore the text
a.     Yes, since the beginning of the story, we knew that Man Bahadur was good and Dhan Bahadur was wicked. It is because Dhan Bahadur used to spend money unnecessarily whereas Man Bahadur had a lot of money left.
b.     Man Bahadur lit a fire at the bottom of Peepal tree. After that, Dhan Bahadur's father ran out of the Peepal tree asking for help.
c.     The judge was very honest and decent. Yes, I liked his judgment.
d.     I think Man Bahadur was wise and honest because he shared the treasure with his friend although he had found it and at the end he proved himself innocent using his wisdom.

Poem Time
Let's find the facts
Find as many body parts as you can from the word search puzzle given.
Help students do it themselves.
Let's explore the text
i.      The mice are nice because of their physical appearance and clever activities.
ii.      Mice are not nice because they nibble things and are not worthy to touch.
iii.     Mice run about the house at night. 

Fun with Vocabulary
Now match the following single word with their correct meanings.
Carnivorous :  A flesh eating animal.
Ecology : Study of environment.
Illiterate : One who cannot read or write.
Autobiography : The life story of a man written by himself.
Pauper : One who has no money.
Archaeology : A study of ancient things.
Pedestrian : One who goes on foot.
Anonymous : A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown.
Herbivorous : A grass eating animal.
Suicide : Murder of self.
Biography : Life story of a man written by other.
Legal: That which is lawful.

Fun with Grammar
Now complete the following sentences giving your own idea.
i)      I always go to school.
ii)     My brother never gets angry with me.
iii)     My father sometimes comes to my school.
iv)    My friend does her homework every day.
v)     I saw a one legged man yesterday.
vi)    My sister has already been to Pokhara.
vii)    My sister will have returned back by next year.
viii)   I have not finished my work yet.

Fun with Creative Writing
Now write a similar text about yourself on ‘My Favourite Hobby’ and compare it with your friends’.      
        Everybody has different hobbies that they like to do for fun or just to relax.   There are many kind of activities like badminton, basketball, swimming, or baseball.   It all depends on each personality. For me, basketball is my favorite hobby because it's part of my life and I cannot live without it.
    Since I was a little girl, I started to play basketball in the school team and also with my friends in the neighborhood. My mother told me that I liked kicking the ball around and had so much fun with it when I was only about two years old. Since then, playing basketball is my favorite sport and it is my hobby whenever I have free time.
        Playing basketball also helps me to relax and be confident when I have stress and frustration.   For example, after doing my homework or when I come home from school, I play a little bit with my friends outside of my house or we go to the park, if the weather is nice.
    Few years ago, there was an inter-school competition. Our team members practised everyday after school for 3 hours from seven till nine o’clock and we slowly got better. During the first round of the competition, we tried our best and worked together, but we were still behind, so we discussed how we should cope with the opponent. Finally, through our tactic, we got the first place. We were pleased of how we worked it out well to win a cup and medal.
        Whenever I play basketball, I feel healthy and stronger. Besides, I meet new friends from the neighbor. I not only like playing basketball, but I also enjoy watching basketball on television. When I go to the beach, my family and friends would get together to play and we have a lot of fun. Also, during weekends, I would call up my friends to play basketball with me. After the intense games, we would go to the teashop nearby to relax and grab some cold drinks to cool us down from the games we had.   

Fun Time
Complete the following crossword puzzle.
2. an animal which lays eggs: chicken
4. used for milk and cheese: goat
6. found in races: horse
9. a baby cat : kitten
1. an animal with no feet: snake
2. a popular house pet: cat
3. "man's best friend": dog
5. relative of a bull: cow
7. produces wool: sheep
8. an animal which flies : bird

UNIT - 11
Fun with listening
i)      Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
1.   Mira is 9 years old.
2.   Yes, she is in a boarding school.
3.   She is a member in British library to learn English.
4.   She likes pets very much.
5.   She has got a small puppy.

Fun with Reading
Story Time
Let's find the facts
a.     Choose the best answer.
a)   snowy                        b)   nothing
c)   matches                     d)   no longer with alive
e)   passed away
b.     Give short answer to the following questions.
i.    It was the last day of the year.
ii.    Gretchen wore her mama's sandals.
iii.   The girl lighted a match to warm her hands.
iv.   The meaning of falling star for grandmother was that something is dying.
v.   Yes, Gretchen was happy when she was with her grandmother.
Words in use
Make sensible sentences using the following words or phrases.
Run across:  A boy ran across the street.
Smell (v): She might be cooking meat. It smells tasty.
A pile of: There is a pile of rubbish at the side of the road.
Light(v): Please, light on the stove.
Freeze: The old woman froze to death yesterday.
Let's explore the text
a.     I feel sad and pathetic about the girl in the story.
b.     She is walking with big sandals and rags because she cannot afford to buy new ones.
c.     She used to sell the matches.
d.     In the story, this means that someone is dying.
e.     The girl and her grandma went to the heaven.

Drama Time
Let's find the facts
a.     The words given below describe the characters in the play. Group them according to their traits.

Alexander's people
Chief's people
proud, unjust, selfish
wise, thoughtful, just, unselfish, helpful
proud, greedy, selfish, clever, unselfish
honest, innocent, helpful

b.     Give short answers to the following questions.
i.      Alexander was a great conqueror.
ii.      Alexander was the Chief's guest.
iii.     The chief offered Alexander some golden dates in the dinner.
iv.     Hasim and Qasim were the chief's people. They had come to the chief seeking justice.
v.     Hashim found two bags of gold in his field. He wanted to give it to Qasim.
vi.     Hasim refused to keep the treasure with him because he thought that he had only bought the land but not the treasures in it.
vii.    Qasim refused to take the treasure form Hashim because taking treasure found in the land he had sold would be unfair for him.
viii.   The chief's decision was to give Qasim's daughter in marriage to Hashim's son and give them the treasure as gift.
Let's explore the text
a.     Alexander  was a great conqueror. The chief thought that such a great man would not be satisfied with natural dates. So he offered golden dates to him.
b.     Although Alexander  was a great conqueror and had ruled over a big state, he had not maintained rule of law and justice. He had not been able to teach his people about honesty. After he met the chief he learnt about the idea to give justice prudently.
c.     a wise man?
d.     honest?
e.     be proud and greedy?

Fun with Vocabulary
Choose the best word from the box to complete the sentences below.
1. duckling               2. Gosling                3. calf
4. eaglet                  5. Streamlet             6. lamb
7. foal                      8. Leveret                9. kid
10. rivulet                 11. Cygnet               12. fawn
13. sapling               14. Islet                    15. cub

Fun with grammar
Choose the correct conjunction and write in the blanks.
i)  and                      ii) so                         iii) or
iv) but                      v) so                        vi) but     
vii) and                     viii) but                     ix) so       
x) but                      

Fun with Creative Writing
Now complete the following message choosing appropriate word/s from the list below.
Next week, English teacher, until 5:30, the evening lunch

Fun Time
Complete the following crossword puzzle with the names of animal babies.
2.     A baby goat is a kid.
4.     A baby cow is a calf.
6.     A baby sheep is a lamb.
7.     A baby goose is a gosling.
1.     A baby horse is a foal.
3.     A baby duck is a duckling.
5.     A baby cat is a kitten.

Happy Teaching!!!

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